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NYS Shelter Legislation

Effective December 15, 2025
  Section 425 Animal Housing
  Section 428 Animal Husbandry
  Section 430 Behavior
  Section 383 Examination of Seized Animals
 Section 432 Foster Care
  Section 424 General Facility Standards
  Section 421 License and Inspection
  Section 423 Recordkeeing and Protocols
  Section 426 Sanitation
  Section 427 Shelter Management Protocols
 Section 422 Training
  Section 431 Transportation
  Section 429 Veterinary Care
  Section 433 Violations
 Section 400 Definitions
  Section 420 Definitions
  Section 752 Definitions

Send a Letter of Concern to our representatives

  Link to Legislator Letter
  Link to Representative Contact Info
  Send the letter as written or personalize it to your message. We need you to reach out and let our representatives know that this new legislation as written will hurt companion animals in New York State.